Code of Conduct
Cancer Free Economy Hive Platform (Hive) Rules & Etiquette
Last Updated April 5, 2022 (see CFE’s Policy on Inclusive Culture and Just Relationship below)
Thanks for being part of the Cancer Free Economy (CFE) and joining the Hive! To ensure the best possible experience for all Hive users, we have established some basic guidelines for participation.
By joining and using this collaborative website (and email list), you agree that you have read and will follow the rules and guidelines set for all peer discussion groups in which you participate. This is a great platform to solicit the advice of your peers, benefit from their experience, and participate in ongoing collaboration.
Please take a moment to acquaint yourself with these guidelines. In order to preserve a climate that encourages both civil and fruitful dialogue, CFE reserves the right to suspend or terminate participation for members who violate these rules.
The Hive Guidelines
This platform provides a forum for discussions that stimulate collaboration and constructive discourse. While all views are welcome, we encourage you to keep your comments professional, friendly, supportive and solution-oriented.
- Personal remarks and attacks are not acceptable.
- Commercial messages, offers and asks are only allowed on the appropriate board and not in any of the working group/team discussion areas. Please keep these postings to once a quarter or less.
- Posting of any defamatory, abusive, profane, threatening, offensive, or illegal materials is strictly prohibited.
- Send your message only to the most appropriate list(s). Do not cross-post messages excessively.
- CFE reserves the right to reject or delete any message for any reason.
- Use discretion when posting confidential information and/or draft documents. While the Hive is a private and secure system, it is possible for information to be forwarded beyond the Network.
In addition, CFE’s Policy on Inclusive Culture and Just Relationship establishes policies and processes to promote and support an inclusive culture where network members collaborate and learn together with respect, solidarity and mutuality. It applies equally to all network staff, leaders, members and non-member participants whether we are interacting in person, in virtual settings or on this site.
CFE reserves the right to terminate access to any user who does not abide by these guidelines.
Email List Etiquette
The Hive allows you to post messages to online discussions and to send emails to members of groups you belong to. Online posts are generally preferable when discussing a particular project or document, because they create a searchable forum where people can easily refer to the history of the discussion. When sending email messages:
- Include a signature tag on all messages with your name and affiliation.
- State concisely and clearly the topic of your comments in the subject line. This allows members to respond more appropriately to your posting and makes it easier for members to search the archives by subject.
- Include only the relevant portions of the original message in your reply.
- Send messages such as “thanks for the information” or “me, too” to individuals–not to the entire list.
- Do not send administrative messages, such as “remove me from the list.” Instead, use the Hive interface to change your settings by going to your profile, or to remove yourself from a list. If you are updating your e-mail address, you do not need to remove yourself from the list and rejoin under your new e-mail. Simply change your settings in your profile.
- If you leave your organization and another colleague will be taking over for you please notify us, they will need to fill out the new user request form on the Get Involved page of the website just as you did. If you would like to stay on the mailing list and involved as an independent user or individual member please let us know. This is considered by the Network Council on a case-by-case basis but we welcome the interest!
The Fine Print
The Cancer Free Economy Hive discussion threads and working group areas are provided as a service of CFE for its members’ benefit. CFE is not responsible for the opinions and information posted on this site by others. CFE disclaims all warranties with regard to information posted on this site, whether posted by CFE, its Members or any third party; this disclaimer includes all implied warranties of merchantability and fitness. In no event shall CFE be liable for any special, indirect, or consequential damages or any damages whatsoever resulting from loss of use, data, or funding, arising out of or in connection with the use or performance of any information posted on this site.
By using this site, you agree not to post any defamatory, abusive, profane, threatening, offensive, or illegal materials. You agree not to post any information or other material protected by copyright without the permission of the copyright owner. By posting material, the posting party warrants and represents that he or she owns the copyright with respect to such material or has received permission from the copyright owner.
CFE is not responsible for actively monitoring the site for inappropriate postings and does not on its own undertake editorial control of postings unless notified. However, in the event that any inappropriate posting is brought to CFE’s attention, CFE will take all appropriate action.